Wednesday, 25 March 2015

150 days- 25th March

Today marks being on Okinawa for 150 days. 
It has been the best 150 days of my life so far. I've achieved things I never ever imagined I would be doing. I have been training with the best karate Sensei in the world, I have pushed myself to my physical limits and smashed them, only to keep pushing. 

I'm discovering how strong I really am, I'm learning independence and I'm becoming creative. 
I'm finding what I love and what I'm good at. 

Literally just being here on the island is therapeutic- everything is beautiful. 

From the morning runs along the river while the sun rises, the Eagles fly and herons catch fish, karate classes where you literally sweat so much that the colours in your vest leaks into your Gi and you start feeling dizzy to not wanting to go to bed because being awake and laying on a warm sandy beach in your pyjamas watching the stars with your work buddies until the early hours of the morning is far more fun. 

I'm probably the fittest I've ever been In my life. I never imagined being able to run  10k, or clean and press 35kg weights or climb ropes or do more than 10 continuous press ups. Turns out I can proudly say I can do all of that and more. 

I'm nowhere near where I want to be physically and every day is still a battle with food (and rules) but I am leaps and bounds further than I was this time last year. I need to be proud of that. 

Next on the agenda is a visit from oto-San and oka-San (papa and wife) - I'm excited. It's going to be another exhausting month but it is incredible and I love it. 

Monday, 9 March 2015

'karate CV'

So Today, James suggested making a 'karate cv'... 
I think I've got it all In basically the right order!! 
This led to me reliving the most incredible journey- martial arts have changed my life in more ways than anyone will ever understand. 

My Sensei and my dojo family have been there to support and guide me through the good times and the bad. 

They are the only ones who didn't give up on me and so i learnt not to give up on myself. 
The results: I have achieved more than I could have ever dreamed possible and finding my passion, what makes me truly happy. 

I have learnt so much along the way but mainly that small steps and consistency is key- enjoying what you are doing should be at the essence of it all. 

9th January 2008- My martial arts journey began, I Started Aikido Training at Seishin Ryu Budo 

20th December 2008- Achieved 5th Kyu in Aikido 

July 2010- Took part in Aikido Demonstrations at Addiscombe Carnival

10th September 2010- Achieved 4th Kyu in Aikido

20th May 2011- Began Matsubayashi Ryu Karate 

June 2011- Participated in our first 'Okinawa Day' London

18th July 2011- Achieved 9th Kyu 

September 2011- 1st Seminar with Beaumont Sensei 

19th October 2011- Achieved 8th Kyu

December 2011/ January 2012 Spent 1 month in Maine, USA training with Sensei David Troup. 

20th February 2012- Achieved 7th Kyu 

April 2012- Visited Ireland, Trained with Sensei Terry Maccarone: 

Sensei Dan Smith: 

and Sensei Bobby Yarnall:

May 2012- Began Kobudo training:

June 2012- Matsubayashi Ryu Karate England took part in Eastbourne Sunshine Carnival

June 2012- Took part in Seaford Karate Competition: 

June 2012- 2nd 'Okinawa Day' in London: 

16th July 2012- Achieved 6th/ 5th Kyu: 

July 2012- 1st Christ Church Demonstration

September 2012- Southall Charity Seminar: 

October 2012- Visited Okinawa for the first time, trained with Arakaki Sensei and Taira Sensei. 

29th October 2012- Achieved 4th Kyu 

November 2012- Beaumont Sensei Seminar: 

May 2013- Visited Ireland, trained with Sensei Dumitru (Romania), Koeppel Sensei and Smith Sensei (USA). 

June 2013- 3rd 'Okinawa Day' London: 

June 2013- 2nd Seaford Karate Competition, 1st place in kata category: 

June 2013- Participated in Seaford Karate Competition- Kobudo kata: 

6th July 2013- Achieved 3rd Kyu 

9th December 2013- Achieved 2nd Kyu 

December 2013- World Simultaneous workout for last training at the Nagamine dojo. 

14th March 2014- Achieved 1st Kyu 

April 2014- Visited USA, trained with Troup Sensei (Maine) and Crevani Sensei (New York) 

May 2014- 2nd Eastbourne Sunshine carnival:

June 2014- 4th 'Okinawa Day' London

24th October 2014- 100 kata for karate day- Ananku

25th October 2014- Moved to Okinawa.

October/ November 2014- Participated in WMKA Memorial Seminar for Takayoshi Nagamine: 

2nd November 2014- Achieved Shodan 

My journey to Shodan has been life changing- and considering Shodan literally means 'first step' I am SO excited to see where the next years training will lead me. 

The future is scary, but tomorrow is the future, and I know that tomorrow -I'll be okay. 

I'll be okay because I have a incredible support system in my karate family, they understand me more than I understand myself. 
All you need is someone who believes in you.