Thursday, 23 June 2016

Teeth Trouble

So last week I wake up one morning and my mouth feels a bit stiff and sore- first thought 'I don't remember getting hit at karate yesterday' I soon forget about it and go about my day. However over the next few days I end up with pain in my jaw all the time, I couldn't open my mouth much and I definitely couldn't eat. 
Hence after a couple of days of miserableness and hunger with no improvement, I find myself a dentist. 
He's a really nice guy who trained in New York and so speaks English well. We do X-rays and everything and he tells me I have a infection and so to go away for 5 days and take antibiotics and painkillers, then come back and he will take it out because it's pushing into my other teeth and there's no space in my mouth for it. That's what I did and yesterday he pulled it out and stitched up the gap with three stitches. Such a unlucky number. 
I only have one more bottom wisdom tooth left that hasn't come through yet and hopefully never will. 
Besides feeling like I had a fight with the hulk today it's not as horrific as I was expecting. Last night was a bit rough, I took the painkillers he gave me to take after the anasthetic and other ones he gave me wore off  but then I was sick a couple of times so I took some more, maybe too many as I don't really remember anything after about 7pm or maybe that's just how those ones worked.
I'm still super hungry and sore and tired but given a day or two and some proper food I think I'll be just fine. 

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