Thursday, 14 September 2017

We're Going on a Bear Hunt...

We're going on a bear hunt...

Well, we weren't really but that's all that kept going through my head on the drive to Nago.

I've wanted to go hiking for a while now, and we finally made a plan to go.
I got really excited because it would be another thing off my 'list of things to do'.

So, bright and early on a Wednesday morning we all get into 'the James taxi' and off we go.
It's around a 2 - 2 and a half hour drive to where we we're heading- Kunigami Village.
To get to the hike trail start we followed other instructions from-

This was a first time for all of us, which helped because then we were all just as unsure as each other what we were going to find.
Image may contain: plant, outdoor and nature
It's a real Habu!
Photo courtesy of Nic, there's no way i was getting close enough to it. 

Well, we definately weren't dissapointed! It was amazing.

Probably one of the best days I've had in Okinawa so far.

It was perfect weather, sunny with a few showers (but we we're in the forest so it didn't really affect us and it gave us some respite from the hot Okinawan summer).

We were probably the first ones on the trail because we started the hike around 9.40 and came across so so many animals- which probably went into hiding after we found them!

We saw crocodile newts,  a wild tortoise, green Ryukyu snakes (non venomous) and a real Habu (venomous snake) in it's natural habitat- that was super scary but incredibly cool and maybe a little dangerous.

I put together a video from all the shots the boys took on the gopro. A really cool video, of a really cool adventure.

I can't wait to go exploring again, on our next bear (or should it be snake?!) hunt.

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