Sunday, 31 May 2015

Take the legs out

This was this mornings lesson. 
Give them a proper boot to the legs where the nerves are so they get a dead leg- we were practicing in and down. It's hard but effective - and quite a safe kick as it's not too high. 

Hey- let's face it, if I'm going down it will be spectacularly done. 

What with all these Sensei laughing at the idea of me doing kumite I'm starting to feel like I have a point to prove. 

A small tiny minuscule piece of me is starting to think, bring it. I can hit and take a hit- how hard can the rest be... 

(Famous last words eh.) 

On a different note. I'm sick. Last night I could feel my throat getting sore and I was sweating a LOT more than usual. 
Today I woke up feeling rough - I only got 3 hours sleep- but went to training.
Then had a sleep because I was tired and dont feel amazing. Woke up with a lost voice and the starts of what feels like a horrible cough. :/ 
I can't get sick. Got shit to be doing! 
Still- I had a good run- 7 months with nothing in this strange new place. I must have a pretty good immune system! 


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