Wednesday, 26 August 2015

25th August 2015

Karate this morning, It's taken over six weeks of trouble with my thumb and it's still far from being back to normal but it's not sticking out (like a sore thumb- spending too much time with James to make jokes like that!!) 
I'm nearly back to making a fist and reintroducing power into my karate. 
My kata almost started to feel as zoned as it was a few weeks ago, it's not just a blur of pain that I can't wait to end. I'm enjoying it again. I think I love it more than before, I'm crazy. 

Then went with James to buy bedsheets at nitori for the new apartment, who knew that shopping for bed linen could be so difficult!

Then lunch and the arcade - funniest quote of the week- James "I'm the second strongest girl in Okinawa!" (With his Happiest face) we were playing a punching game in the arcade- I was the 10th strongest with my right arm! 

Then work tonight, I'm not feeling amazing recently-  so so tired, need some vitamins. 
The night was slow and rubbish until a lady called Grace came, she had no idea what karate was but after talking to her for a hour I discovered she is very rich and is travelling the world trying to find herself and what makes her happy. I told her as long as I have enough money for a house, karate and food that's all I need. She told me I have sparkly eyes filled with happiness and love and wanted to know how I found karate and why  I would leave everything and travel halfway across the world for it. 

I honestly don't know how it all happened, it just did. 
It was all an accident- a beautiful disaster. 

I didn't find it. 
It found me. 

And it was the most incredible thing that could have ever happened. I am so lucky and so happy. 

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