Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Karate Stupid...

This new book appeared at the bar. 
And obviously the title caught me, it was a quiet night at the bar so I got to spend ten minutes or so reading it, from there I was into it and wanted to understand this karate journey.  

This turned out to be a really good book to read right after my Sensei left and I started year two here, there was a lot of things in the book I can relate to, and I think that's probably why I fell into it for basically two days. 
I hope one day to write my own book. I realise that my situation is not a very common one and that I am extraordinarily lucky to be able to be here and do what I am doing here. 
Although it is amazing and incredible and mostly everything I dreamed of and imagined it would be, it doesn't make it easy or great all the time. 
While being on Okinawa I've made it though some of the most difficult things I've ever had to do in my life. Some necessary, some optional (ish!) but all unbelievably difficult physically and emotionally, usually both! 
But because of this and the people helping me/ making me or guiding me through these things I am growing and getting stronger, even if I don't feel it most of the time. 
And this book, was Scott making it through his amazing, incredible, roller coaster of a journey that karate inevitably takes you on and along the way changes you forever. 

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