This morning was Arakaki Sensei's session and then in the afternoon it was Taira Sensei teaching. That in itself makes it an amazing day.
We worked on Fukyugata Ichi, Pinan Sandan and bunkai and Pinan Shodan and Bunkai. It was another sweaty day and a lot of training.
We must be crazy, but after the entire day training Arakaki Sensei invited is to train at his house. We gratefully accepted got on the bus and trudged up the hill to train some more. It was great although I am really starting to feel every single muscle tell me to stop. I am so looking forward to getting the grading on Sunday done and being able to relax a little.
Still, between sessions there was the Most beautiful sunset, reminded me of how lucky I am to be able to stay here and keep training and doing what I love.
I don't want to sleep because life is good right now, sleep seems to be a waste of time!! (My body would definitely disagree, then again, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!)
It's an amazing place to be, I can see myself being very happy here.
I am currently laying on the floor in the laundry room washing my gi. I wore a fluorescent pink bra to training at Arakaki Sensei's house and sweated enough to make it transfer through onto one of my new Shureido Gi. Let's hope it washes out or I'm going to have to dip into the savings for another gi as it will be impossible to survive with less than three gi here. Lesson learned- pick a different bra next time- or don't sweat as much. Considering number 2 isn't a option it seems I have to go with the first option.
apart from feeling like I'm going to die, today was another really good day. :)