Sunday 26 October 2014

I'm Actually ON THE PLANE!!! :o

So as I'm writing this I'm on the plane: 
in the dark (it's a night flight and everyone's asleep except me- I watched a Stephen King film about coconuts eating people and a time lapse on a plane- really freaked me out! I feel like I shouldn't sleep -just in case,but eventually I will) 
Anyhoow- I'm just hours away from touching down in Tokyo. This is the start of a whole new me. A chance to show everyone I can do it and I will!! It's exciting at the moment (I swap between excited and completely freaked out in minutes so be prepared for that to change any moment!) 

I had a burger at the airport as I needed some real food to last me until I hunt down food that isn't eel or octopus on pizza. SO worth airport prices. 

A couple of hours in and the air ladies brought the food to us. We had already eaten (see burger above) and were going to kindly decline- until we saw ice cream. It is simply rude to refuse Hagen daz, hence: 

Right now though- I'm bored. I've watched 2 films and am not ready to sleep, so I'm just chilling. 
Thinking of all those times when I'd love to have 12 hours just to sit. Yea I never really meant it. There just isn't enough room for my large bottom (even if it is 11 inches smaller than it was 10 months ago). 

Still a LOnG way to go. 
Seems if I do want to come home early I had better have a good reason eh!! 

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