Saturday 4 October 2014

3 weeks today...

So in exactly 21 days I will be on a plane ready for the biggest scariest thing I've ever done.  

I was listening to a new audio book the other day and one part really caught me:
"As for the judgement you put on yourself if you fail, that's also bull***t, in truth by taking a risk your stronger and braver than most. The only true failure is not trying". Totally hit a chord that I really need to stop putting so much pressure on myself, if it goes wrong thats okay because i tried. 

In exactly 2 weeks I will have finished work. I will miss the people I've been working with at Buildbase, I have learnt an incredible amount in 6 months and have had a fantastic team take me under their wing. It's a job I'm happy at, its not my passion though which is why I have to leave and give what I love a go. 

I was talking to a customer about what I was going to do in Okinawa the other day and a colleague grabbed me when he had left and told me how my love and passion for karate is so obvious- he says I come alive and my eyes sparkle- he said he wishes he had something that he loves like i love karate. It made me feel very lucky. 

It makes me sound crazy, I probably am, and that's okay but I'm excited to be able to do what i wake up thinking about everyday. I want to be one of the best karateka in the world. To some it may seem like a farfetched ambition but if i shoot for the moon i can only fall among the stars. 
I remember our trip to Okinawa in 2012 and at the end how much i didnt want to leave, how i would have loved to stay more than anything- It seems 2 years later, that's exactly what I'm going to do- that's what is actually crazy!! 

This is Something I wouldn't even have contemplated without my Sensei's and Tanya. i'll never forget that saturday morning the opportunity came up. They are the complete reason that in 21 days my life might just change forever (hopefully in a incredibly good way!)

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