Sunday, 3 January 2016

はつもでーvisiting the temple with Sensei

Today we woke up to the most beautiful day. 
Just missed the sunrise but it was still early and coming up. 
We met Sensei at 11am but I went to the park earlier to wander around and take things in myself. It was busy but a good experience. 
Lots of people- lots of food stalls and games to play. 

We met Sensei and went into the shrine. We prayed and at the salt and drunk the awamori. Then we got the yearly omamori's. 
We got the ones for the dojo. I also got one for mum and dad. 
Sensei then took us to eat at one of the stalls. We ate corn, takoyaki, eka and yakiniku. 
It was really nice to spend some time with Sensei out of the dojo. 
Just a couple more days and it's back to training. 
No time for rest though we need to train for tokashiki and we are going camping! 

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