When I have finished I will do a giant blog post with every single signature and the story behind each one. My plan is to finish before the end of 2016.
From the 34 signatures I have so far, here are some of my highlights:
Number 1- My Sensei: Arakaki Sensei. This one is special for obvious reasons.
Sensei has helped me change my life, he has such a kind heart and is such a inspiration to me.
Work hard, play hard and always do your best.
Number 2- Higaonna Sensei.
The reason this one is so special is because it was probably one of the most difficult to get!
I got to experience Goju Ryu for the first time with Higaonna Sensei and Seneha Sensei and got them both to sign my book.
What a brilliant way to try Goju Ryu for the first time. Unforgettable.
Number 3- Sakumoto Sensei. This is the Japanese national team coach. He is probably the best sports kata teacher in the world- His students become the world champions! Very cool!!!!
Number 4- Shinjo Sensei- there are two Shinjo sensei's and they were both great but the reason I Shinjo Sensei senior was memorable is because he took the time to sit down with me and sign my book and tell me that as long as I love karate i should put everything I have into it. He said simply to keep training and everything will happen he told me to always have a kind heart. For one of the scariest looking guys in the book he was just the nicest man.
He gave me some fantastic life advice.
Number 5- Nakamoto Sensei and his karate museum. I went to visit him and he got his son to sign my book and gave me a tour of his Kobudo museum. A really interesting day and a very kind man.
Every page I get signed is making this book more special. The stories behind every single signature is different but they are all very memorable in their own way.
I can't leave the island until I've completed what I started.
I can imagine me when I'm older and hopefully teaching In my own small dojo somewhere, showing my students this book and explaining each Sensei and their importance in the karate world and keeping traditional okinawan karate alive.
Being able to say I have met almost every one of them will be a pretty incredible thing.
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