Tuesday 29 December 2015

Last karate training of the year...

Well, what can I say. 2015 has been a year I'll never forget. 
I've been happier than I've ever been but I've also felt sadness, fear and pain like never before. Good and bad come together but overall I am very very happy here. 
Training, my dojo mates and senpai have been there and I've had to go no matter the situation.
When happy we train, when sad we train, when we're in pain, we train. Simply- no excuses. Train. 
It helps. 
We clean the dojo together after every training but tonight, being the last session of the year we trained but then we all spent half an hour really cleaning the dojo. 
When I was cleaning it was kind of emotional, a lot has happened on that wooden floor this year. 
We trained for competitions, we had visitors, friends and family from all around the world train with us, I dislocated my thumb, we hurt- a lot! We sweated- a lot! we laughed - a lot!  
What I love about this cleaning we do- and all the cleaning we do- everyone helps. 
White belt, black belt, young or old- we all do it. Together. Happily. 
Then we all sit down and eat ice cream together. These people have become family. We're one big crazy, but happy family. 
2016 will be a good year, as long as we can keep doing what makes us happy. 

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