Monday 5 January 2015

Day 70!

Workouts again- I actually tried up that hill today and did it in 10.04- so close! 
I cycled from James' South towards the sea but my toe is still causing me problems- it seems to heal a bit and I jump or step wrong and have another few days of proper pain etc. I've started these workouts and don't wanna stop now so just gonna power on through. I've made friends with Eve (the painkiller brand here)- even if my toe is broken there's nothing the hospital and doctors can do anyway. 
So I cycled back and will keep going to the caves and peace park another day. 
I got back to the guest house and did a load of laundry and cleaned my room a bit- these morning workouts have upped my sweaty clothes!
Went to the 100 yen shop to find a case for my book today so I can take it everywhere with me (you never know who your going to bump into!) but it's protected! 
I'm feeling SO tired recently- I think I need some more fruit and veg and water in my life! 

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