Thursday 8 January 2015

Day 72

So I'm a bit late with catching up with the past couple of days- it's been SO crazy! 
Today we had morning workouts again- not so good as yesteday but still 10.11 for the hill runs so I'm pleased. Overall I am getting fitter- especially considering this is all happening at 6am!! 
Then I headed back to the guest house where I had breakfast and then straight off to karate- life is getting SO busy now. I love it because doing what I love is my job but it is really pushing me to my limits!! 
Karate was great and Sensei signed my book- quite apt in the advice he has given me- basically translates as work hard play hard and keep moving forward. 
Signature number 2 and probably the advice I will learn to live by! 
We got to have lunch too- 
Really lovely Okinawan vegetable and meat stew type dish- Mrs. A is a brilliant cook! And Mochi and warm sweet beans for pud! I'm learning to actually like this food. 
From there it was over to the bar for language dojo with Kazu. 
We had a really good 3 hours and he is really improving with his English. He also surprised me with a gift- a book all about my favourite japanese cartoon- hanakappa, a young monster who has plants blossoming from his head- it keeps changing though and won't settle with one until he grows up. It follows his adventures and defeating the bad guys who want to steal the plant from his head. It's a little odd- but i realy like hanakappa and I need to learn to read fast!! 
A really good day, I'm competely exhausted but love it. 

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