Sunday 14 December 2014

Day 48

We had karate this morning- I jogged up there because sensei still had my bike from Thursday night class. 
I got lost in the tunnel- it was hard work but it was good. My toe is still pretty sore- but only when it bends back- as when doing wanshu and running etc. painkillers and proper shoes help with running- being careful with wanshu is all I can do until whatever I've done heals! 
I learnt about this today. 
There's a lot more to it than it looks! 
Work at the bar tonight- it was one for the first bonenkai's- it was fun- crazy busy but I like it that way. 
Seriously thought I was going to melt at one point though. 
I need to stop with the sweets but last night- it was that or fall asleep! We finished around half past 2. 
Didn't sleep til after 4. I start to fall asleep and I have this image of some crazy spider In my room. There is no spider and I know that. Still have to sleep with a light on- just in case. My irrational fear of spiders is costing me my sleep!! 
I don't know what's going to happen when I actually come across a real spider!! 

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