Friday 14 November 2014

Day 19 part 2

This evening i was working at the bar, it's a fun place to be! 
I met a guy from the Never lands called Roman who is here for 10 weeks and is training with Hokama Sensei and doing Goju ryu. 
I chilled with one of my dojo mates, I've met him before but haven't trained with him while I've been here yet! And Mr. Paul - everyone is helping me with my alphabet- prenounciaton is my problem! 
And then Sanae showed me the beginnings of her next masterpiece- 
And I promised her very cool boots ( and socks!! I love the socks!) could haves space on the blog too- therefore , here is Sanae's leg: 
Finally I had to just clarify to everyone our current space on the wall: 
It was good fun. I'm tired. I miss home- but I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I found it. Great you're doing a blog aswell. It's going to be so good when you can read this later on! But for now, keep it up and see you soon.
